AirWard ONEX/SONEX - Aft "Belly" Fuselage Access Kit - Pull Rivets
AirWard has developed a ONEX Kit to allow access to the rear of the fuselage for inspection and/or maintenance;
Sonex specifies Pull Rivets to install the complete Belly Skin;
Our Kit allows for the Pull Rivets on the front half of the Belly Skin and screws on the aft half. The Pull Rivets are used to install the Nutplates instead of Solid Rivets.
Our Kit consists of the following items:
42 Nutplate, Mini - Dual Leg
2 Nutplate, Mini - Single Leg
44 Screw, Machine - 3/8" - Stainless Steel
12 Screw, Machine - Stainless Steel
56 Washer, Flat - Thin - Stainless Steel
88 Rivet, Pull - Countersunk
2 Taps