AirWard ONEX/SONEX - Fuel System Kit - with Sight Gauge
ONEX/SONEX/WAIEX/XENOS Fuel System - Sight Gauge - Kit includes all material from Fuel Tank to Fuel Injector plus installation of the Sight Gauge, Fuel Tank Vent, Fuel Shutoff Control and Fuel Flex Hose from Gascolator to Fuel Injector:
1 USH-GAS Gascolator, Usher
1 4112T23 Valve, Fuel Shutoff - 1/4" Pipe to 1/4" Pipe
1 FS-375 Strainer, Fuel - 3/8" Male x 1/4" Female P
2 CCA-1550 Valve, Fuel Drain - 1/8" Pipe
1 MS20913-1D Plug, 1/8" Pipe
1 MS20913-2D Plug, 1/4" Pipe (Gascolator)
4 AN526-832R8 Screw, 8-32 - 1/2" OL - Machine
2 AN526-1032R16 Screw, 10-32 - 1" OL - Machine
4 MS20365-832A Nut, 8/32 - Elastic Stop
4 AN960-8 Washer, Flat - 8/32
2 AN970-3 Washer, 10-32 - Large Area (Gascolator)
Manufactured by AirWard