AirWard ONEX/SONEX - Aft "Belly" Access Kit - Solid Rivets
AirWard has developed a ONEX Kit to allow access to the rear of the fuselage for inspection and/or maintenance;
Sonex specifies Pull Rivets to install the complete Belly Skin;
Our Kit allows for the Pull Rivets on the front half of the Belly Skin and screws on the aft half.
Our Kit consists of the following items:
42 Nutplate, Mini - Dual Leg
2 Nutplate, Mini - Single Leg
44 Screw, Machine - 3/8" - Stainless Steel
12 Screw, Machine - Stainless Steel
56 Washer, Flat - Thin - Stainless Steel
88 Rivet, Solid - Countersunk
2 Taps