AirWard Van's RV-10 - Main Door Hinge Reinforcing Kit
AirWard has developed a reinforcing Kit to the original installation procedure for attaching the Main Doors to the Canopy. So much emphasis has been concentrated on the Door Latch System and no consideration for the two Hinges holding the Main Door to the Canopy. This 1/8" fiberglass with four Countersunk Screws is subject to quite a bit of tension when both latching the Main Door and when the Door is in the up position in the wind. To remove/install a Door for maintenance is also very time consuming with the current system. With our Kit, it requires removing the eight bolts from the Canopy side of the Hinge, without the problem of holding the nuts. The inside of the Door Hinge cavity and the Canopy cavity are now able to be fiber-glassed over for a better finished look and an area for the Door Seal to contact. All the Plates are Anodized.
The Kit consists of the following:
Four Reinforcing Aluminum Outer Plates for the Doors;
Four Reinforcing Aluminum Outer Plates for the Canopy;
Four Reinforcing Aluminum Inner Plates for the Doors;
Four Reinforcing Aluminum Inner Plates for the Canopy;
Sixteen AN3C6A Stainless Bolts, for the Door attachment;
Sixteen AN3C11A Stainless Bolts, for the Canopy attachment;
Thirty-two NAS1149C0332R, Thin Stainless Washers;
Thirty-two MS21071L3, Nutplates;
Sixty-four MS20426AD3-4, Solid Rivets.