AirWard, Kit - Bolt/Washer/Nut - Piper MSB1345A - Wing Attach Fitting
AirWard - Kit, Main Spar Wing Attach Fittings - All (36) Bolts/Washers/Nuts - Piper PA28/32
Kit, Inspection Access Panels for the FORWARD Side of Main Spar (BOTH WINGS) - PA28/32
Washer, Flat - .390" ID - .625" OD - .065" Thick
AirWard - Kit, Main Spar Wing Attach Fittings - SINGLE WING (18) Bolts/Washers/Nuts - Piper PA28/32
Piper PA-28/32/44 Rudder Bar Support Assembly Repair - per MSB 1242
Ardrox AV8 Corrosion Preventative - 16 ounces
Kit, Fuel Selector Valve Internal Parts - PA28
Nut, Machine - All Metal Stop - 3/8-24
Pad Assembly, Rudder Control - w/ Backing Plate - Piper
Bolt, Machine - Close Tolerance - 3/8-24 - .938" Grip - 1.594" OL
AirWard - Kit - Wing Attach Fittings - Bolts/Washers/Nuts - "Inboard" Single Set Only - PA28/32
Bolt, Machine - Close Tolerance - 3/8-24 - .688" Grip - 1.328" OL
Hose, Assembly - Brake System - High Pressure - #4 - 7 3/4" OL
Cap, Fuel Tank - w/ Vent Valve - PA28/32
Kit, Piper MSB1156C - Nose Gear Drag Link Bolt Inspection PA28R/44
Kit, SSL508, Lower Foreword Wing Access Kit - PA28-32
Channel, Gang - Fuel Tank - Both Sides - Bottom Rear - 17" OL - Piper
Bolt, Machine - Close Tolerance - 3/8-24 - .813" Grip - 1.453" OL
Moulding, Rubber - Wing Root - 11 Feet - Piper
Gasket, Vent Assembly - Fresh Air Floor Vent - Piper
Hose, Assembly - Brake System - High Pressure - #4 - 12 1/8" OL
Kit, Rework Aft Wing Spar per Piper MSB789B
AirWard Fuel Flex Hose Assembly - #6 - 9 3/8" Long