AirWard - Kit, Piper MSB 1244C/1304B Main/Rear Wing Spar Inspection
AirWard, Kit - Bolt/Washer/Nut - Piper MSB1345A - Wing Attach Fitting
AirWard - Kit, Main Spar Wing Attach Fittings - All (36) Bolts/Washers/Nuts - Piper PA28/32
Kit, Wing Lower Forward Access Covers - PA28/32
AirWard Piper PA28/32 Door Slide Repair Kit
AirWard - Kit, Piper MSB1006 Fuel Tank Inspection (PA32-260/300 (Early) - (Single Wing Tank))
Kit, Inspection Access Panels for the FORWARD Side of Main Spar (BOTH WINGS) - PA28/32
Washer, Flat - .390" ID - .625" OD - .065" Thick
Piper PA-28/32/44 Rudder Bar Support Assembly Repair - per MSB 1242
AirWard - Kit, Piper MSB 977 - Access Covers (Baggage Compartment) - PA28/32/34/44
Ardrox AV8 Corrosion Preventative - 16 ounces
AirWard - Piper PA28/32 Nose Strut Repair Kit
Strap, Rudder Bar - Kit
AirWard Piper MSB1006 Fuel "Tip Tank" Inspection Kit (PA28-235, PA32-260 & PA32-300E)
Nut, Machine - All Metal Stop - 3/8-24
Pad Assembly, Rudder Control - w/ Backing Plate - Piper
Bolt, Machine - Close Tolerance - 3/8-24 - .938" Grip - 1.594" OL
Bolt, Machine - Close Tolerance - 3/8-24 - .688" Grip - 1.328" OL
Strap, Rudder Bar - Aft
Cap, Fuel Tank - w/ Vent Valve - PA28/32
AirWard Piper MSB1242A Rudder Bar Inspection/Repair - PA28/32/34/44
Channel, Gang - Fuel Tank - Both Sides - Bottom Rear - 17" OL - Piper
Bolt, Machine - Close Tolerance - 3/8-24 - .813" Grip - 1.453" OL
Bearing, Sealed - Nose Strut - Lower